Historically, if a couple in Louisiana was unable to have children, they unfortunately had very few to no options when it came to the topic of surrogacy. Any surrogacy or “gestational carrier” contracts were unenforceable in Louisiana. That was until August 1, 2016, with the introduction of HB1102. The bill’s intended purpose was “to… Read more »
Posts By: stanmin
UPDATED 2020: Co-Parents Facing New Problems in Light of COVID-19 Restrictions
The global pandemic of coronavirus and the restrictions federal, state, and local governments have put into place to slow its spread have created all kinds of complications to our daily lives. Our work, our education, our recreation, and even our family dynamics have changed. And for some families, the restrictions and the shifts in schedules… Read more »
Did you file Jointly in 2019? Divorce and CARES Act Implications
If you filed Jointly with your spouse in 2019 (or have not filed at all in 2019 and filed jointly in 2018) and are going through the divorce process or have obtained your final divorce, your CARES Act stimulus money can be affected. What is the CARES Act? The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security… Read more »
Do I have to follow Child Visitation Orders during COVID-19?
After much thought, and probably many sleepless nights, you finally have your child custody order and visitation schedule. Everyone knows what to expect regarding exchanges, visitation, and communication. You have a document that explains it all and that is signed by a judge so it is enforceable. Then, everyone’s world was turned upside down by… Read more »
How Stanley-Wallace Law Can Help You During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Within a very short period of time, everyone’s world has changed. We are all looking for ways to move to a more digital platform to avoid any unnecessary contact with the outside world. However, this could be a time that we use to take care of things we have been meaning to take care of…. Read more »
Giving notice of relocation with a child – and what happens if you don’t
Perhaps you’ve determined that you have the right under Louisiana law to move with your child away from your ex-spouse. You’ve determined the exact distance that you are allowed to relocate your child to, and you’ve given the child’s other parent notice of the move. What happens now? What happens after you give notice? The… Read more »
How far can you move with your child after a divorce?
Even after a divorce and is finalized and the custody battles are over, it can be difficult to know how to proceed with your children moving forward. For example, perhaps you’d like to relocate and you want your children to come with you. Louisiana law has relocation requirements that can help us understand what is… Read more »
Obligations for relocating your child after a divorce
After a divorce, some people want to move away for a fresh start (or to have more distance from their ex). But if you have children, moving becomes more complicated. If you are allowed to propose a relocation of your child’s principal residence, then there are some obligations you must meet to keep your ex-partner… Read more »
Can you propose relocating your child after a divorce?
Let’s say that the divorce has been finalized, but now you’re interested in relocating. Can you take your child with you? What does a move mean for custody issues? In a previous post, we discussed the distances you can move under Louisiana law. But now let’s examine who is permitted to propose a relocation of… Read more »